Concordia Maritime on Twitter: "Vår årsredovisning för 2018
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CONCORDIA MARITIME ANNUAL REPORT 2018 5 2018 IN BRIEF GOALS & STRATEGIES EXTERNAL TRENDS & MARKET FLEET & ORGANISATION SUSTAINABILITY RISK & THE SHARE FINANCIAL REPORT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The next major tanker market upturn in sight As expected, 2018 was a weak year – both for the tanker market and for Concordia Maritime. Concordia Maritime AB (publ) releases the English version of the Annual Report for 2020 24.03. Notice to the Annual General Meeting of Concordia Maritime AB (publ) The full Annual Report, which also includes Concordia Maritime's Sustainability Report, is available to download as a PDF document. A summary web version of the Annual Report is also available to read on the Company's website. The Swedish version of the Annual Report was released on 19 March 2021. The annual report, which also includes Concordia Maritime’s sustainability report, is now available on the company’s website (
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Halvårsrapport 2021. 12 aug 2021. Delårsrapport Q3 2021. Sustainability Report 2020. Concordia Maritime publishes a sustainability report every year. The report gives a comprehensive introduction to priority areas, developments during the past year and focus going forward.
View Reports and Share Information of Concordia Maritime AB | Nasdaq OMX STO, Industrials-Marine. Annual Report Promotion Country Sector Type some keywords to search.
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A summary web version of the Annual Report is also available to read on the Company's website. The Swedish version of the Annual Report was released on 19 March 2021. As a result of the stronger market, Concordia Maritime’s earnings in both the MR and Suezmax segment showed an increase, albeit from low levels.
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Annual Report. SBM Offshore.
Concordia Maritime's fleet.
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Renewed contract . for P-MAX tankers No serious accidents . or incidents Profit despite weak .
Visit our 2018 Concordia Annual Summit page for
1 Mar 2021 Tanker market on the cusp of better times, according to Concordia. In its 2020 annual report, Concordia forecast how it expects world oil Concordia Maritime chief executive Kim Ullman is taking part in the ESG ratin
CCOR B, Concordia Maritime B, (SE0000102824). Trading; Overview; Performance; Key Ratios; Financials; Fact Sheet Fact Sheet; Company Fact Sheet FAQ &
Annual Report.
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The full Annual Report, which also includes Concordia Maritime's Sustainability Report, is available to download as a PDF document. A summary web version of the Annual Report is also available to read on the Company's website. Concordia Maritime AB (publ) releases the English version of the Annual Report for 2020. AGM 2021. Information about Concordia Maritime's Annual General Meeting 2021.