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There are boulders coming down from the top of the watery slope and you start on a thin ledge. Zelda Breath of Wild Guide now Windows Store! This is not a game. Just Guide.

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Play. 0:00. 0:00. Settings. Fullscreen. 11 comments. share.

How to Solve the Shrine In this shrine, there is a slope with water running down it, and a bunch of stones rolling down the slope. Ne'ez Yohma Shrine.

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Watch this step-by-step walkthrough, which may help and guide you through each and every level part of this game. AS026, Mar 5, 2017.

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Ne’ez Yohma Shrine – Pushing Power. Location: This Shrine is found in the settlement of Zora’s Domain. At the start of this Shrine, you’ll see a large slope ahead with running water streaming down it and a series of boulders rolling down the slope. At the base of the slope is a wall, a narrow platform, and a recess. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Walkthrough Team. Last updated on: 08/28/2020 9:11 AM. This is a walkthrough for Ne'ez Yohma Shrine in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW).

This is a walkthrough for Ne'ez Yohma Shrine in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW).
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advertisement. 2017-06-01 Shrine Walkthrough - Ne'ez Yohma Shrine - IGN Upon entering this shrine, you’ll be greeted with a pool of water in which three spheres are floating in.

The Sheikah Monk Ne'ez Yohma offers the "Pushing Power" trial and he will give a Spirit Orb to Link upon completion of the trial. Ne’ez Yohma Shrine Walkthrough – Pushing Power. It lies at the core of Zora’s Domain, the Shrine Ne’ez Yohma stands beneath the Throne Room. The first objective is to tug at the sphere to get it down to the container below, taking extra care not to allow it to plunge into the depths.
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Sheh Rata Shrine. 176.