Chefen för TED-talks: Här är de 10 bästa talarna senaste året


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In this TED Talk, Eddie Obeng highlights three important changes you need to understand for better productivity. What is a TEDx Talk? TEDx Talks are a showcase for speakers presenting well-formed ideas in under 18 minutes. If you haven’t seen a TEDx Talk, go to and watch at least one. Like this one: Phil Plait: How to defend Earth from asteroids Why 18 minutes? Because it works. An audience is good at focusing on one subject at a time in relatively The latest research is clear: the state of our attention determines the state of our lives.

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Tom Wujec's TED Talk on "Build a tower, build a team" Ted Talks is a good feature to have, especially when you can play them whilst cleaning your room or doing some art. However, the feature has so much more potential. For example, I personally have the Ted application on my phone, and I think it would be genious if I could connect to my Ted app and have my personalized talks recommended for me by Alexa. TED, New York, New York. 13,695,609 likes · 165,140 talking about this. TED is a global nonprofit dedicated to ideas worth spreading.

Tap to unmute  Drive Management – TED-Talk om Grit.

TED talks Archives PB Partners - Petra Brask

1. If You’re Feeling Blah: The Museum of Four in the Morning 网易公开课汇集清华、北大、哈佛、耶鲁等世界名校共上千门课程,覆盖科学、经济、人文、哲学等22个领域,在这里你可以开拓视野看世界,获取有深度的好知识。 2021-02-03 · This TED talk by Bill Gates seems especially insightful against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Visdom på video: inspirerande TED talks för språkstuderande

What inspires you? Tell us your interests and we'll pick Focusing on the letter T of TEDx, this tech-themed event will inspire you & bring A journey into beatboxing as well as life, Dave Crowe will talk about people he  Visit to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk Every weekday, TED Talks Daily brings you the latest talks in audio. Join host and journalist Elise Hu for thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable  It's's 10th birthday! Join one man's quest to meet his idea soulmate, ft. Rainn Wilson: Mätta nyfikenheten och vidga dina vyer med TED-föredrag. Upptäck fler än 2000 TED-föredrag av otroliga föreläsare, sorterade efter ämne och stämning, från  I samband med konferensen hålls ett antal föredrag med oftast kända och högprofilerade föredragshållare kallade TED Talks. Bland annat Jane Goodall,  För att göra det lite lättare för dig har vi samlat ihop några härliga och tänkvärda TED-talks som kan få din student hjärna att kanske beröras, lära sig något nytt  2020-nov-07 - Utforska Anna Josefin Therese Jönssons anslagstavla "TED talks" på Pinterest.

Every weekday, TED Talks Daily brings you the latest talks in audio. Join host and journalist Elise Hu for thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable — from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between — given by the world's leading thinkers and creators. With TED Talks Daily, find some space in your day to change your perspectives, ignite your curiosity, and 2016-05-04 · In this TED talk, Cuddy specifically talks about how "power posing" -- i.e., standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don't feel confident -- can affect testosterone and cortisone levels in the brain. If we do it for even two minutes at a time, it can have profound positive impacts on how we feel and whether we succeed. Luckily, I’ve found a new cure: TED talks. An inspiring or poignant speech never fails to reaffirm my faith in humanity—and yes, get me out of bed.
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TED is a global nonprofit dedicated to ideas worth spreading. Our goal is to make great ideas accessible and spark conversation.

The latest Tweets from TED Talks på svenska (@TEDTalks_se). Här hittar du de TED talks som undertextats på svenska av volontära översättare inom TED  Oral communication/Muntlig kommunikation: TED talks & Grand Prix non-profit media organization that posts talks online for free distribution under the slogan  Great talk about stress and surprising research that could help us in a positive way by making stress our friend. 17.
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Ted Talks-arkiv - Go Happi

Föreläsningarna ”Ted talks” har nu funnits i trettio år och blivit världsberömda för sina virala videor.