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The Middle East Journal-Wikipedia The Index Islamicus for the first time indexes books published on Islam, the Middle East and the Muslim world. Books cited in the Index Islamicus include not only work written about the Middle East, but also about the other main Muslim areas of Asia and Africa. Index Islamicus Search Your search for '1308-2140' returned 68 results. Modify search Sort Results by Relevance | Newest titles first | Oldest titles first. 65 more results not shown.

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Index Islamicus (Ebsco) An international bibliography indexing publications dating back to 1906 from periodicals, monographs and other collections in European languages addressing Islam and Muslim world (history, beliefs, societies, cultures, languages and literatures). Portions of the index are also available in print and CD-ROM. Index Islamicus. Indexes literature on Islam, the Middle East and the Muslim world. Records included in the database cover almost 100 years of publications on the world of Islam.

History Reference Center • Full Text Está en dos o más bases datos de indización y resumen o en DOAJ (Academic Search Premier, Index Islamicus, EBSCO Education Source, Educational research abstracts (ERA), ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts, MLA - Modern Language Association Database, Psycinfo) = 3+2 = 5 ISSN: 1571-8050,1571-8050,1388-199X Está en índices de citas (Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus) = +3.5Está en dos o más bases datos de indización y resumen o en DOAJ (Academic Search Premier, EBSCO Legal Source, HeinOnline-Law Journal Library, Index Islamicus, EBSCO Legal Collection, Historical Abstracts, Political Science Complete) = 3+2 = 5 Browse EBSCO’s list of academic databases providing the highest-quality content available. Academic databases provide academic journals, scholarly articles, and more. The Citation Matcher search screen lets you search for article citations for which you have incorrect or incomplete information.

EBSCO Discovery Service

Search Library Catalogue · Encyclopaedia Judaica · E-Journals & Databases · Cambridge Histories · Old Catalogue · EBSCO · RAMBI · Index Islamicus · JSTOR  Man kan även söka i hela Summons index, som innehåller över 600 miljoner Abstracts Online (EBSCO), (Kluwer), Index Islamicus  Extensive Coverage of the Muslim Experience Throughout the Century. Index Islamicus features an unmatched breadth of content on the Muslim existence, containing material published by Western orientalists, scholars from the fields of social science and humanities, and Muslims. Spanning from 1906 to the present day, coverage includes information on Muslims from the Middle East, Asia, Africa and other areas where Muslim minorities are found. Index Islamicus features an unmatched breadth of content on the Muslim existence, containing material published by Western orientalists, scholars from the fields of social science and humanities, and Muslims.

Mellanösternjournalen - The Middle East Journal -

Seek, ASOS Index, Journal Database, TEI, SIOP SocIndex, Pubget, DRJI and WorldCat, İSAM vb. uluslararası indeks ve veritabanlarında yer almaktadır. (The Journal of International Social Research indexed in EBSCO, MLA, DOAJ, Proquest CSA -Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, Sociological Established journals which have been rejected in the past may be re-evaluated after a period of five years. Note that the inclusion of the journal in ISI, EBSCO, ERIH, or Scopus does not guarantee its inclusion in Index Islamicus.

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. The Index Islamicus database indexes literature on Islam, the Middle East and the Muslim world. It is produced by an editorial team working at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, established to transmit knowledge about Islamic and Middle East studies, which have traditionally been part of the curriculum of SOAS. 2009-12-22 Index Islamicus is the primary index to literature on Islam, the Middle East and Muslim areas of Asia and Africa, and Muslim minorities elsewhere.It includes citations to over 2,000 journals, conference proceedings, monographs, and book reviews from 1906 to present.
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Index Islamicus features an unmatched breadth of content on the Muslim existence, containing material published by Western orientalists, scholars from the fields of social science and humanities, and Muslims. Spanning from 1906 to the present day, coverage includes information on Muslims from the Middle East, Asia, Africa and other areas where Muslim minorities are found. Index Islamicus features an unmatched breadth of content on the Muslim existence, containing material published by Western orientalists, scholars from the fields of social science and humanities, and Muslims. Spanning from 1906 to the present day, coverage includes information on Muslims from the Middle East, Asia, Africa and other areas where Muslim minorities are found.

Search Library Catalogue · Encyclopaedia Judaica · E-Journals & Databases · Cambridge Histories · Old Catalogue · EBSCO · RAMBI · Index Islamicus · JSTOR  Man kan även söka i hela Summons index, som innehåller över 600 miljoner Abstracts Online (EBSCO), (Kluwer), Index Islamicus  Extensive Coverage of the Muslim Experience Throughout the Century. Index Islamicus features an unmatched breadth of content on the Muslim existence, containing material published by Western orientalists, scholars from the fields of social science and humanities, and Muslims. Spanning from 1906 to the present day, coverage includes information on Muslims from the Middle East, Asia, Africa and other areas where Muslim minorities are found.
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Databaser A-Ö - LibGuides - Lunds universitet

Rightly described as 'an indispensable tool for libraries, graduates and undergraduates alike'. Index Islamicus is THE international classified bibliography of publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world from 1906 onwards until the present day. Material cited in the Index Islamicus includes not only work written about the Middle East, but also about the other main Muslim areas of Asia and Africa, plus Muslim minorities elsewhere. Index Islamicus es una valiosa referencia de la literatura mundial en lenguas europeas sobre el Islam, Oriente Medio y el mundo islámico. Publicado por primera vez en 1958, Index se ha convertido en un recurso vital para los investigadores y especialistas de la información, permitiéndoles tener una guía de calidad de la literatura en este campo.