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Abastecimiento y suministro de las cosas necesarias: hacer provisión de víveres. provision en Español - Traducción de la palabra provision por Nglish, amplio diccionario y traducción en español-inglés e inglés-español, traducción y aprendizaje del inglés. Frases de ejemplo: He made provisions to donate part of his fortune to charity after he died. Revisa las traducciones de 'provisions' en español. Consulta los ejemplos de traducción de provisions en las frases, escucha la pronunciación y aprende gramática. Se refiere a todo lo que está comprendido en el punto 2.
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Resolution of the “pus” – Diccionario sueco-español y buscador de traducciones en sueco. rättsakten antagits (Merchant Shipping [Miscellaneaous Provisions] Bill 1997). 1198 gilla-markeringar, 5 kommentarer - Goddess Provisions (@goddessprovisions) på Instagram: "Meditate ☯️ ✨ Find a comfortable seat in a quiet place Vem använder ProVisions? Designed for protein & specialty food processors and distributors, it is an ERP solution that helps manage production processes, Revisa las traducciones de 'skeptisk' en español.
Consulta los ejemplos de traducción de provisions en las frases, escucha la pronunciación y aprende gramática.
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Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site. Provision-ISR is a One-Stop-Shop for all CCTV product needs. The Israeli Brand understood the need for tested and reliable CCTV accessories and managed to create a full range of accessories specifically designed for the CCTV market. Provision-ISR’s CMS Offers simultaneous live view and playback from multiple devices and full remote configuration for recording devices and cameras.
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Mar 18, 2021 Covered California will open a new special-enrollment period – which will start on Monday, April 12 and run through the end of the year – to The United Nations Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to Provisions translated from English to Spanish including synonyms, definitions, and related words. Except as modified by this subpart, Federal agency injury and illness recording and reporting requirements shall comply with the requirements under 29 CFR Part OSHA · Contact Us FAQ A to Z Index English Español. Menu.
1. (acto de proveer) a. la provisión. (f) significa que un sustantivo es de género femenino (p.ej. la mujer, la luna). (F) The hotel offered the provision of snacks for the conference, free of charge.El hotel ofreció la provisión gratuita de refrigerios para la conferencia. b.
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Provision-ISR is a One-Stop-Shop for all CCTV product needs. The Israeli Brand understood the need for tested and reliable CCTV accessories and managed to create a full range of accessories specifically designed for the CCTV market.
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English · Deutsch · Беларуская · Český · Español · Français · עִבְרִית · Magyar · Italiano Violation of these provisions may result in criminal penalties. EN ISO 12100-1-2: 2003, following the provisions of. Directive 98/37/EC. DEUTSCH.