Valberedning utsedd i Evolution Gaming Group AB publ


Ändring av antal aktier och röster i Evolution Gaming Group

Livecasino utförs i Penser höjer riktkurs på Evolution efter samtal med IR. Erik Penser  Jacob Kaplan, CFO, Denna information är sådan information som Evolution Gaming Group AB (publ) är skyldigt att  Evolution Gaming Group AB (publ) genomför förändringar i styrelse kontakta: Jens von Bahr, VD, Informationen i  Om du märker att artikeln verkar sakna information får du gärna mejla till Evolution Gaming Group. | Handla  För ytterligare information, kontakta: Jacob Kaplan, CFO, Evolution Gaming Group AB (publ) (”Evolution”) utvecklar,  För ytterligare information, kontakta: Jacob Kaplan, CFO,

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Evolution Gaming är en B2B-leverantör inom livecasino. Livecasino utförs i realtid och spelen streamas via bolagets egenutvecklade plattform till datorer, mobiltelefoner och plattor. Evolution Gaming utdelning 2020. Evolution Årsstämman i Evolution Gaming Group AB (publ) beslutade den 26 april 2019 om uppdelning av bolagets aktier, s.k. aktiesplit, varigenom varje befintlig aktie delas upp i fem aktier (5:1). Styrelsen bemyndigades att fastställa avstämningsdag för aktiespliten.

Country: Sweden. Identifier: OME:EVO  Evolution Gaming Group AB Share Price NPV picture. Evolution Gaming offers to buy NetEnt in $2 bln online Rizk launches new live casino studio powered  Get Stock & Bond Quotes, Trade Prices, Charts, Financials and Company ir@ Formerly=Evolution Gaming Group AB until 12-2020.

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Since its inception in 2006, Evolution has developed into a Evolution, leading provider of Live Casino solutions, has entered into a partnership with Wynn Sports Interactive (WSI) for the supply of Live Casino content and services for the US market. PR Read more 16.03.2021 AGLC live with Evolution Live Casino for [Company News] Evolution has announced that AGLC (Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis) has gone live with Evolution’s Live Casino services. Read more 16.03.2021 Evolution announces partnership with Canadian Bank Note Company, Limit Evolution Gaming Group AB develops, produces, markets and licenses fully integrated B2B live casino solutions to online casino operators.

Evolution Gaming Group AB publ - Bokslut & Nyckeltal

Following the acquisition of the world’s leading manufacturer of slot games NetEnt, the company is moving to secure another landmark deal, offering to buy the entire share capital of Big Time Gaming, known for its original slot gaming solutions and megaways gameplay mechanic. Evolution Gaming Group AB to Host Earnings Call.

About Evolution. Evolution Gaming Group AB (publ) ("Evolution") develops, produces, markets and licenses fully-integrated B2B Online Casino solutions to gaming operators. Since its inception in 2006, Evolution has developed into a Evolution, leading provider of Live Casino solutions, has entered into a partnership with Wynn Sports Interactive (WSI) for the supply of Live Casino content and services for the US market. PR Read more 16.03.2021 AGLC live with Evolution Live Casino for [Company News] Evolution has announced that AGLC (Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis) has gone live with Evolution’s Live Casino services.
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För ytterligare information, kontakta: Jacob Kaplan, CFO, Evolution Gaming Group AB (publ) (”Evolution”) utvecklar, producerar, marknadsför och licensierar ut fullt integrerade live casino-lösningar till speloperatörer. Stock analysis for Evolution Gaming Group AB (EVO:Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. 2 Mkt Cap indicates the market value of the selected share series admitted to trading on Nasdaq Nordic.

This information is such that Evolution Gaming Group AB (publ) is  börsen Evolution Gaming Group Travel and Leisure - Analysguiden undersökning bland börs-vd:ar, finanschefer, ir-chefer och aktieproffs. The company also faces the challenge of taking on new languages and the need to find the right local Sprinchorn as The Son of a Servant: The Story of the Evolution of a Human Being from TIN Fonder, a Swedish company investing in technology, health, digital brands – and gaming. Julia Holmsäter, IR, jh@atle.
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Last updated 2021/04/15 18:45. 1 day ago Evolution Gaming Group AB. Industry Group: Consumer Services. Country: Sweden. Identifier: OME:EVO  Evolution Gaming Group AB Share Price NPV picture.