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No weapon was used in the robbery. It's the Arctic Ventures Marketplace, aka “the Co-op”: The Co-op has a great selection and is a pleasure to shop at. For some reason, it is way less busy than Northmart. Upstairs Ventures has a whole other area, with books, household items, electronics, toys, material etc. Iqaluit is the fastest growing community in Nunavut.

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Kivalliq. 1-844-737-8627. Kitikmeot. Iqaluit, the capital city of Nunavut, is by far the largest of the communities with a population of.

And in Iqaluit, ACL directly owns and operates Arctic Ventures Marketplace, the Iqaluit Gas Bar, Iqaluit Cable, Sikitu Sales and Service, and Tittaq Office Products. “Serving remote Arctic communities, we understand the importance of safe and reliable air transportation,” Kono Tattuinee, the president of ACL, said in the news release. Two young girls were rushed to hospital in Iqaluit July 5 after they were struck by a motor vehicle while riding bicycles on the road by Arctic Ventures Marketplace.

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> "Arctic Ventures Ltd" plain in our web-site in category Department Stores in Iqaluit. For a letter, use the address Bldg 192, Iqaluit, Nunavut X0A 0H0, Iqaluit, NUNAVUT X0A 0H0. You can call the company by phone Arctic Ventures Ltd (867) 979-5992 or send a fax to (867) 979-4207. Iqaluit’s Arctic Ventures store becomes “The Marketplace,” with a Feb. 27 ribbon-cutting ceremony to announce the new name.

Arctic Co-operatives Limited - - QWERTY.WIKI

> "Arctic Ventures Ltd" plain in our web-site in category Department Stores in Iqaluit. For a letter, use the address Bldg 192, Iqaluit, Nunavut X0A 0H0, Iqaluit, NUNAVUT X0A 0H0. You can call the company by phone Arctic Ventures Ltd (867) 979-5992 or send a fax to (867) 979-4207.

It is a modern community in the north with government services, restaurants, schools, hotels and hospital. The Tundra Airport Restaurant is located in the brand new Iqaluit airport and it is a department of Arctic Ventures Marketplace.
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Photo: Arctic Ventures Marketplace gets a new look By SAMANTHA DAWSON There’s a new look, along with a new name, at Iqaluit’s Arctic Ventures, which is now the Arctic Ventures Marketplace under its new Arctic Co-operatives Ltd. ownership. Wilson said the Arctic Ventures Marketplace store in Iqaluit will have only elders and other vulnerable people shop at the beginning of each day, from eight to nine a.m., so they aren’t exposed to other people, and said that co-ops in other communities that have capacity are also talking about delivering goods locally. Iqaluit police are investigating another local robbery after a thief stole cash from one of the city’s main grocery stores Feb. 17. An individual approached a till at Arctic Ventures Marketplace around 9 p.m., Lilian Choi, a spokesperson for the store’s owner, Arctic Co-ops Ltd., said Feb. 18.

Find useful information, the address and the phone number of the local business you are looking for. Iqaluit police are investigating another local robbery after a thief stole cash from one of the city’s main grocery stores Feb. 17.
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Café. 192 Building 192, X0A 0H0 Iqaluit. +18679795992. Opening hours today for Arctic Ventures  Arctic Co-op. 1121 Mivvik Street, Iqaluit, Nunavut, X0A 0H0.