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To use the PAYE calculator, enter your annual salary (or the one you would like) in the Insert Income box below. The table below will automatically display your gross pay, taxable amount, PAYE tax, ACC, KiwiSaver, and student loan repayments on annual, monthly, weekly and daily basis. Our Pay As You Earn (PAYE) student loan calculator will show you how much you’ll pay each month for your student loans under the federal PAYE repayment program.
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It calculates income tax called Pay As You Earned tax amount (PAYE) that is deductible from staff salary according to the requirements of Nigeria personal income tax Act of 2011 (PITA 2011).It helps employer with filing tax return to revenue agency while it provides means for employees to verify PAYE tax deducted from their paycheck. Employing staff. KiwiSaver for employers. Goods and services tax (GST) Tāke mō ngā rawa me ngā ratonga.