HOLM v. SWEDEN - HUDOC - Council of Europe
In most cases the action plans/reports listed the individual and general measures adopted by the state. In one case (Rahimi v Greece – see below) there is an HUDOC-EXEC. 8th February 2019. Database of documents relating to the execution of European Court of Human Rights judgments, provided by the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. Includes dossiers detailing the status of execution of each judgment Contents Introduction 3 General comments 4 Wider developments in human rights 6 Coordination of the implementation of human rights judgments 9 European Court of Human Rights judgments in UK cases in August 2017 – July 2018 10 The UK at the ECtHR: statistics from 1959 to 2017 12 Ongoing applications against the UK: statistics for 2017 13 The UK’s record on the implementation of ECtHR Slovenian Disability Rights Association (Slovenian: Društvo za pravice invalidov Slovenije, or Drupis) is a disability rights organization in Slovenia.Its goals are to enhance the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and to assist persons with disabilities through awareness raising and impact litigation.
All documents from the Department of Execution are available through the HUDOC EXEC Database. Summaries of final resolutions and reforms adopted (by year) are available here. N/A: Commissioner for Human Rights: Documents related to country monitoring are available through the Commissioner's website's search by country feature. N/A Member States must ensure that the rules concerning alternatives to detention are defined in national law. The ECHR supplements existing legal frameworks in countries by setting additional constraints and safeguards during detention, mainly based on Article 3 on inhuman or degrading treatment and Article 2 on the liberty of movement. The CDDH and its subcommittees work in their activities in close synergy with the Department for the Execution of Judgments.
They show a list of 12 Council of Europe member states, selected because they have a notable proportion of their leading cases from the last 10 years still pending, plus a high overall number of leading cases still pending. HUDOC-EXEC HUDOC-EXEC (based on the HUDOC-ECHR system), provides access to relevant information and documentation in all cases pending before the Committee of Ministers, as well as in cases closed by a final resolution, via a single unified interface.
HOLM v. SWEDEN - HUDOC - Council of Europe
HUDOC-EXEC database The HUDOC-EXEC database (http://hudoc.exec.coe.int) provides access to the documents relating to the Execution of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. Languages HUDOC-EXEC (based on the HUDOC-ECHR system), provides access to relevant information and documentation in all cases pending before the Committee of Ministers, as well as in cases closed by a final resolution, via a single unified interface. These figures were obtained using the database Hudoc-EXEC in July 2019. They show a list of 12 Council of Europe member states, selected because they have a notable proportion of their leading cases from the last 10 years still pending, plus a high overall number of leading cases still pending.
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HUDOC User Manual – Introduction How does this User Manual work? The HUDOC User Manual is composed of separate sheets with each sheet describing one task All documents from the Department of Execution are available through the HUDOC EXEC Database.
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Department for the Supervision of the Execution of judgments and decisions of the ECtHR I. Relevant legal instruments Articles 39/46 European Convention
HUDOC-EXEC (based on the HUDOC-ECHR system), provides access to relevant information and documentation in all cases pending before the Committee of Ministers, as well as in cases closed by a final resolution, via a single unified interface. Violation du droit du requérant à un procès équitable en raison du rejet ratione temporis par la Cour constitutionnelle de sa demande de contrôle de constitutionnalité des ordonnances par lesquelles une partie de son terrain avait été classée en voie publique. 2021-03-05 · HUDOC-EXEC Database The HUDOC-EXEC database gives access to the documents relating to the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (status of execution of cases, government action plans/reports, other communications, Committee of Ministers’ decisions (from 01/01/2011 onwards) and final resolutions.
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Exceptions include Betteridge v UK which was closed partly on the basis of the Supreme Court’s decision in R (Faulkner) v Secretary of State The Hudoc-Exec database is an excellent tool and very helpful for professionals, but inaccessible to most people in Ukraine because of language, technical details, etc. Insofar as Ukraine is among those countries which experience the most Information Note on the Court’s case-law No. 174 May 2014 Baka v. Hungary - 20261/12 JudgmentArticle 627.5.2014 [Section II] Civil proceedings Article 6-1 I completely agree that the presentation of the implementation data should be as open as possible and as an academic trying to make sense of the implementation situation, I would have appreciated more information regarding the new policy of “partial closure” both in the annual reports and especially on HUDOC EXEC, where cases simply appear The CDDH and its subcommittees work in their activities in close synergy with the Department for the Execution of Judgments.
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6 Mar 2019 38411/02) available at: https://hudoc.exec.coe.int/ENG#{"EXECIdentifier":["DH- · DD(2017)353E"],"EXECDocumentTypeCollection":["ngo"]
Available at: http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng?i=001-159764. 2 Rutkowski and others v. Poland, nos. 72287/10, 13927/11 and 46187/11, ECHR 2015.
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EU-information Anna Forsberg - DiVA
Sharifi et autres c. Italie et Grèce: Publisher: Council of Europe: European Court of Human Rights: Publication Date: 21 October 2014: Country: Afghanistan | Eritrea