Digitala verktyg i undervisningen by Anna Lind - Prezi


Jenny på Wendes: Ordmoln i undervisningen!

Let's hear your opinion! Prepare. Build interactive presentations with the easy-to-use online editor. Add questions, polls, quizzes, slides, images, gifs and more to your presentation to create fun and engaging presentations.

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Sablon létrehozásához módosítania kell egy diamintát és a diaelrendezések egy csoportját. több ezer ingyenes sablon közül választhat a website en daar de code van jouw presentatie invoeren. Zie onder punt ‘2.3.6 Configure’ het stukje ‘Direct Access’. Verder kan je via deze knop de resultaten van de presentatie delen.

Download it here!

Digitala verktyg för effektiva möten – Patricia Diaz

Create fun and interactive presentations with Mentimeter, making your audience engaged and energized. With this plugin you can add the power of Mentimeter directly to your PowerPoint presentation.

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Build beautiful interactive presentations in the presentation builder. Collect polls, data and opinions from participants using smart devices. Get insights on participants with trends and data export.

Let's hear your opinion!
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Use Mentimeter directly in your PowerPoint presentation.
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PowerPoint - Presentera

What type of text is this? (EPA).