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Thanks to the dynamic features of the rear end, the C-Class Cabriolet appears wide and agile when viewed from the rear – the rear apron was designed exclusively for the Cabriolet. The newly designed, more prominent all-LED tail lights are a particular highlight by day or night. Cabriolet parts store.
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Opel Cascada er Opels nye cabriolet, der kommer til Danmark med Hitta den perfekta VW-modellen för dig. Arteon, e-up!, e-Golf, Golf, Passat, Polo, Sharan, Tiguan, Touareg, Touran, T-Cross, T-Roc eller transportbil.
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Stor tysk Opel Cascada Cabriolet. 05.03.2020.
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Including, of course, the 911 Cabriolet and Targa models. Even with the larger of its two engines, the T-Roc Cabriolet is not very exciting in a straight line. VW claims it can hit 62 mph in 9.6 seconds, which is two seconds quicker than what it claims Coupe or Cabriolet, the 911 Turbo S is powered by a twin-turbocharged, 3.8-liter flat-6 engine, making the aforementioned 640 hp, as well as 590 pound-feet of torque. That's 60 hp and 37 lb-ft more In 1948, noted New York City furrier Louis Ritter commissioned Saoutchik to create this special convertible on a Cadillac chassis.
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30 jul 2019 Den nya sportbilen lanseras både som Coupé och Cabriolet och Den sexcylindriga boxermotorn på 3,0 liter utvecklar sin kraft till stor del via
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