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After the company’s founding in 2005, YouTube rose quickly through the ranks of online video websites to become an industry leader that streams more than a billion hours of video a day. That’s impressive growth for a site that started with From home-recorded, do-it-yourself repair videos and amateur music sessions to clips from TV shows and pro sports games, YouTube offers every type of video content you can think of — and fans just can’t get enough of it. Since its launch in The smartphone market is full of great phones, but not every cellphone is equal. Some are better for capturing video and playing it back than others. Some phones make editing your videos easier and others have features exclusive to them.
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2019-01-15 2016-02-11 Sites like YouTube are great for discovering videos of all sorts. Video sharing sites like the ones listed here are great for finding tips online, laughing at pranks or even for sharing special moments with your family. While YouTube is the most popular video site online, there are many other video sharing sites like YouTube available online.
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If it is not YouTube, then it is definitely Dailymotion.