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The Samson Option: Israel, America and the Bomb: Hersh, Seymour

Israel says they have nuclear missiles aimed at cities all over Europe, which they curiously and insanely regard as ‘hostile’, this being the preferred choice of target of the Israeli Air Force. Israel routinely calls the USA ‘anti-semitic’ too. Does anything strike you a being a little odd about that? The Samson Option October 26, 2020 · This ballot was filled out by a liberty-loving conservative who also understands the Samson Option.

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The Samson Option. The Samson Option is a phrase to describe how Israel will respond to a military attack if the Jewish state is faced with annihilation. The Samson Option is a 1991 book by author Seymour Hersh that describes Israeli's nuclear program and defense. 2010-06-06 2011-11-08 The Samson Option is actually the threat to destroy the entire world with nuclear weapons if Israel ever faces existential military threat itself. ‘Samson Option’ is the name given to Israel’s undeclared nuclear capability. The idea is that Israel will use its Hebrew bombs only when it its own existence is threatened producing complete mutual destruction a la Samson and the Philistines.

A Presidential Struggle 9. Years of The Samson Option refers to a presumed Israeli policy that is necessarily based upon an implicit threat of massive nuclear retaliation for certain specific enemy aggressions.

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Topics: The Jewish Story  The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy: Hersh, Seymour M.: Amazon.com.au: Books. 4 Aug 2020 In our Timeline, Israel pushed to Damascus and encircled the Egyptian army in the city of Suez, winning the war by 25th October. What if  In the 1960s, Peres took responsibility for Operation Samson.
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Random House. ISBN 0-394-57006-5 , page 271; ^ An Atlas of Middle Eastern Affairs  Gîte « Le hameau Samson ».

Swedish Agro Machinery är ett  The Samson option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy. Random House.
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Volume One,2005 Hart, Alan Zionism. The Real Enemy ofthe Jews. Volume Two,2007 Hersh, Seymour The Samson Option. Israel, America and the Bomb,1991  Hersh, Seymour M., The Samson Option: Israel, America and the Bomb, Faber and Faber, London 1991. Hobsbawm, Eric, Age of Extremes, Michael Joseph,  De politiska arkitekter som låg bakom programmet The Samson option såg i kärnvapnen en utväg som liknade den store frihetskämpens vägval.