46201 is a densely populated, urban zip code in Indianapolis, Indiana. Median household income here ($27,723) is significantly lower than US average ($56,604). The population is racially diverse, and mostly single. The average house value here ($73,200) is lower than in the Indianapolis-Carmel metro area as a whole, so this could be a great place to look for housing bargains. 46201 Rankings. Niche ranks thousands of places to live based on key statistics from the U.S. Census and and expert insights. Most Diverse ZIP Codes in Indiana.

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One additional company and one satellite providers offer service to  Order from your local Domino's for pizza, pasta, chicken, and sandwich delivery in 46201. Domino's delivers Indianapolis, IN 46201 Locations by Zip Code. Listings 1 - 14 of 15 Search 15 46201, IN Section 8 Homes, Apartment Communities, Condos, For Rent and other Affordable Rentals with Assistance on  Código postal, 46201. Ciudad primaria, Indianapolis.

Browse photos, see new properties, get open house info, and research neighborhoods on Trulia. 46201 Income Statistics Is 46201 the right zip for your: marketing campaign, new business or development project?

Fast financing, unprecedented service, and no hidden fees. Niche may be compensated by the third party lenders and others who place ads on the website. Zip Code 46201 is located in Indiana { IN } in the Indianapolis Metro Area. Geo point for this Zip code is 39.775125, -86.10839 also Latitude is 39.7757 and Longitude is -86.1096.

1 Day Ago. 46201 is a densely populated, urban zip code in Indianapolis, Indiana.

91% of the 46201 zip code residents lived in the same house 1 year ago. 46201 is a densely populated, urban zip code in Indianapolis, Indiana. Median household income here ($27,723) is significantly lower than US average ($56,604).
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Telephone/ fax:  Have a question about Zip Code 46201 property data? Get Zip Code 46201 property statistics and reports for residential and commercial real estate.

The ZIP code 46201 is located in Marion County, state of Indiana and is one of more than 42,000 ZIP Codes in the country. 46201 Zip code is located in the Eastern time zone at 40 degrees latitude (Fun Fact: this is the same latitude as Beijing, China!) and -86 degrees longitude.
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Help. 46201, IN × Show Labels. SATELLITE 46201 is a ZIP code for Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. The World's most comprehensive professionally edited abbreviations and acronyms database Indianapolis (zip 46201) violent crime is 81.6. (The US average is 22.7) Indianapolis (zip 46201) property crime is 83.0. (The US average is 35.4) NOTE: Indianapolis, Indiana Zip Code does not have FBI Crime Statistics. The closest place to this Zip Code that has FBI crime statistics is the city of Carmel, Indiana. Search 20 Foreclosure Listings in 46201, with data on unpaid balances and auction dates.