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OK, it’s a weird name but it has a pretty cool Files are added to Conversations in Kaizena. Before you can add a file, you need to have a Conversation created with your student or teacher. Private conversations are automatically created between the teacher and students when students join a group. Kaizena is helpful when you are grading student papers on Google Docs. It is an extension to Google Docs that allows you top leave voice comments to a student's Google Doc, as well as other resources.

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Now open the slideshow, document, or other content you wish to show while speaking. Click the Screencastify extension again to open its drop-down settings menu. 3. Feedback via Kaizena Shortcut. Formerly known as Kaizena mini, Kaizena Shortcut is a Google extension that allows teachers to provide actionable, detailed feedback in a streamlined fashion. Typing out feedback in Google Docs comments boxes can get cumbersome. Even limiting feedback to three or four items takes time.

Typing out feedback in Google Docs comments boxes can get cumbersome.

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You can now use Kaizena feedback features entirely inside Google Docs! Install Kaizena for Google Docs here: can These are the types of files you can add to Kaizena: Google Docs; Google Slides; Google Sheets; PDF; Word; PowerPoint; JPG; PNG; GIF; If you experience formatting errors when you upload a Word file, try saving the file as a PDF, and uploading it again. Google Drawings can be saved as a PDF (see below) then uploaded. Kaizena is a program that addresses these and other obstacles that hinder student writing growth as an easy online platform or Chrome extension with multimodal feedback.

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WHAT THE RESEARCH SAYS The Education Endowment Foundation discovered that feedback is the most effective teaching practice, equivalent to 8 additional months of class time per year. Using Kaizena for Long-Term Projects. Michael mainly uses Kaizena in his Human Geography class, where he practices project-based learning. Over the span of the term, his students are put into small groups and tasked with writing a report that answers the question: “How Can We Improve the Health of Our Community?” If you don't want to open Kaizena on each Google Doc you visit, you can install the Kaizena Pin extension! This Chrome extension will automatically open Kaizena on each Google Doc that you visit. Kaizena is now a Google Doc Add-on that allows you to provide feedback on a document without leaving the Google Doc Platform.

Kaizena-A Google Add-On with Recordable Feedback Function. 1.Installing the Kaizena Add-on. Teachers and student will both need to install the Kaizena  Mar 23, 2018 Kaizena is an Add-on for Google Docs. What it does is Do students have to add the extension to listen to the comments the teacher leaves? Jan 25, 2021 What about Kaizena? If you're not familiar with Kaizena, it also allows you to add voice comments to Google Docs, but only for Google Docs.
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You can find more information about Kaizena here. Don’t forget to grab the Kaizena extension in the Chrome Web Store!

Your first time it will want you to Complete your profile which means selecting your name from a school list. Kaizena helps teacher provide fast, high-quality feedback on student work Automatically open kaizena in every google doc.
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Kaizena allows you to leave audio feedback for your students in their Google Docs. Similar to what you can do with a screencast, except it is audio feedback only. You can find more information about Kaizena here.