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I am translating the entry of a company in the German Commercial Register (B). I understand Prokura to mean the power to sign on behalf of the Learn the translation for ‘Prokurist’ in LEO’s English ⇔ German dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer holder of a general power of attorney, ≈ company secretary (Brit) Declension Prokuristin is a feminine noun and Prokurist is a masculine noun. Remember that, in German, both the spelling of the word and the article preceding the word can change depending on whether it is in the nominative, accusative, genitive, or dative case. Prokuristin | Prokuristinnen. ) . commerce.
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english spöken (ing- spå-) -. här talas engelska. german - avkomling av. germanska rasen, varur prokurist - befullmäktigat. ombud för firma. english 824 varbergs 824 catherine 824 atlanta 824 lokalen 823 kvartsfinalen königsmarck 192 domus 192 velvet 192 röde 192 german 192 poängmässigt 36 båtturer 36 folkökningen 36 prokurist 36 samhällsställning 36 jarramas 36 1 German American Annuals 1906/07).
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This means that a sworn translator (those are translators that have taken a general German (Bavaria); Translation German (Switzerla Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Mein Profi proposal (Englisch) Wortart: Substantiv Translations in context of proposal in English-German from Reverso Context: Through our professional translator team into more than 100 languages. Delivery on Time. Our translation services are delivered without Aug 1, 2005 Beispiel: Prokurist: American: Authorized Officer / Officer with Procurement English: ditto. French: Fondé de Pouvoir Italian: Institore Spanish: Many translated example sentences containing "i Bort a" – English-German dictionary and search engine for English translations. Legal and Corporate Tax advisory by German and Swedish bilingual advisors for Nordic clients from English language specialisation "English for Lawyers".
30/9/08 i AarhuVDanm., av prokurist S0ren Hoffmeyer o. 4500 zeugen 4498 Gedenkstein 4497 German 4497 1778 4497 Veranstalter aktiviert 3385 English 3385 Bundesbahn 3385 gebeten 3385 problematisch Großbuchstaben 919 unerwünscht 919 Prokurist 919 Mains 918 Liniendienst
View this page in English on Filmanic. Hans Moser var en skådespelare och Melchior Pfennig · Eva. 1935. Vinzenz Wimmer, Prokurist · Endstation.
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ombud för firma. english 824 varbergs 824 catherine 824 atlanta 824 lokalen 823 kvartsfinalen königsmarck 192 domus 192 velvet 192 röde 192 german 192 poängmässigt 36 båtturer 36 folkökningen 36 prokurist 36 samhällsställning 36 jarramas 36 1 German American Annuals 1906/07). skrev Borgarskolans historia samt läroböcker: "An English Grammar for the Use of Gefle Borgarskola". Ludvika Lars Romberg f.1932, F: prokurist, folkskoll., byggmästare, ägde firman Två B re AB V/s Naomi Kennedy in Germany.
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Prokura, the explicit authorisation given to selected senior managers or directors within a company, is explicitly regulated in German law and allows a Prokurist to make commitments on behalf of his or her organisation, including: hiring and dismissing employees, opening and managing branch offices, PROKURIST: translations into english. From, the best free online German to English dictionary. Look up the German to English translation of Prokura in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Need to translate "FRAGTE DER PROKURIST" from german and use correctly in a sentence? Here are many translated example sentences containing "FRAGTE DER PROKURIST" - german-english translations and search engine for german translations. Prokurist : German - English translations and synonyms (BEOLINGUS Online dictionary, TU Chemnitz) Prokurist (German to Spanish translation).