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He also Akhetaten is a mod for Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile created by game’s original developers.It adds a new map to use in sandbox mode. How to install: the mod has it’s own installer. Children of the Nile - Akhetaten Bonus Mission Oct 27 2016 Singleplayer Map . Akhetaten is a sandbox scenario for Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile that includes military, interconnected trade and a series of monuments for the Aten Temple in Akhetaten, Amarna (GC2MK47) was created by allamahmed on 10/7/2010. It's a Micro size geocache, with difficulty of 2, terrain of 3. It's located in Egypt.Tal el Amarna is located on the east bank of the Nile River in the modern Egyptian province of Minya, some 58 km (38 miles) south of the city of al-Minya, 312 km (194 miles) south of the Egyptian capital Cairo and 402 km (250 2014-06-01 · Akhetaten Construction of the new capital city didn’t take long, partly because ‘relatively small blocks were used’ (Damen, 2013) being ‘set in a strong mortar’ (Spence, 2014) to build the city and ‘after just two years (from the pharaoh’s declaration), the ruling family took up residence to the north of the city’ (Sooke, 2014), newly named as ‘Akhetaten, “Horizon of the One of the first tasks that Akhenaten undertook when he arrived at Akhetaten, was to erect a series of Boundary Stele. On these, he recorded his reasons for choosing the site and proclaimed his unswerving devotion to the Aten: “The Great Royal Wife (Nefertiti) will not say to me, ‘Look, there is a good place for Akhetaten in another place’ and I will not listen to her.” 2018-06-14 · This page was last edited on 14 June 2018, at 12:25.
These show that Akhetaten, the place, included the fields and villages on the west bank as well as the city on the east. The city was built in great haste and occupied by a substantial population, which one can estimate at around 30, 000 or perhaps more. Amarna (/ ə ˈ m ɑːr n ə /; Arabic: العمارنة , romanized: al-ʿamārnah) is an extensive Egyptian archaeological site that represents the remains of the capital city newly established (1346 BC) and built by the Pharaoh Akhenaten of the late Eighteenth Dynasty, and abandoned shortly after his death (1332 BC). In the fifth year of his reign Akhenaten, Egypt’s first and only monotheistic pharoah, moved his entire court from Karnak 230 miles north to El Amarna. He named this new city Akhetaten, which means The Horizon of the Aten. Aten was the Creator Sun God who’s influence grew during the reigns of Amenhotep II, Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III. The sacred territory of Akhetaten comprised an arc of desert on the east of the Nile bounded by tall cliffs, a broad tract of agricultural land with villages across the river on the west, and a narrower strip of western desert in front of a low escarpment.
236, Figure 13.
Akhenaten and the Religion of Light - Erik Hornung - Häftad
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Akhetaten Art Literature Digging Glossary Features New & Cool Bookshop Discussion Events Postcards Further Web Links References For Students For Teachers Re-Creation FAQ Misc Welcome Guest Book Site Map Thanks Email me 2019-11-03 · Akhetaten - Pharaoh's Capital City *warning, may contain killer mummy, do not read from the book Ive always wanted to build a huge egyptian city, and here it is in its nacent form!
EgyptSearch Forums: Kemet Ancient Egypt in pictures
Akhenaten born as Amenhotep IV, was the son of Amenhotep III, the Magnificent, the ninth ruler of the Eighteenth Dynasty and Queen Tiye who was of non-royal origin and Amenhotep III A 3D map of the town has also been produced, situating the temples and palaces, as well as the residential neighborhoods and warehouse areas. The project is far from over though: another ten thousand Talatats, unearthed in the foundations of the 9th pylon at Karnak, need to be put together so as to reconstruct new decorative scenes.
He ruled for 17 years during the 18th Dynasty and came to be known by some fascinating names, including Great Heretic , The Heretic Pharaoh, and Rebel Pharaoh . Tell el-Amarna, site of the ruins and tombs of the city of Akhetaton (“Horizon of Aton”) in Upper Egypt, 44 miles (71 km) north of modern Asyūt. On a virgin site on the east bank of the Nile River, Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV) built the city about 1348 bce as the new capital of his kingdom when he
Amarna is the modern Arabic name for the site of the ancient Egyptian city of Akhetaten, capital of the country under the reign of Akhenaten (1353-1336 BCE). The site is officially known as Tell el-Amarna
Aten, properly called The Dazzling Aten though dubbed initially by archaeologists the Rise of Aten, is the remains of an ancient Egyptian city on the west bank of the Nile in the Theban Necropolis near Luxor.
Kundtjänst hemifrån
Fig. 6 Akhetaten: City Excavation Map (August 2000) Fig. 7 Akhetaten: The Royal Tomb (cf. Amarna City Plan) Fig. 8 Amarna: Sunrise, Post Mid-Winter Solstice in 1375 BC. The City of Akhetaten.
Some of these buildings, such as the Aten temples, were ordered to be built by Akhenaten on the boundary stela decreeing the city's founding.
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On a virgin site on the east bank of the Nile, in Upper Egypt, 71 km (44 miles) north of modern Asyut in al-Minya muhafazah (governorate) or approximately 270 km (170 miles ) to the south of modern Cairo, Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) built the city of Akhetaten (Horizon of Aten) in about 1349 BC, as the new capital of his kingdom when he abandoned the worship of Amun and Fig. 6 Akhetaten: City Excavation Map (August 2000) Fig. 7 Akhetaten: The Royal Tomb (cf. Amarna City Plan) Fig. 8 Amarna: Sunrise, Post Mid-Winter Solstice in 1375 BC. Media in category "Maps of Akhetaten" The following 16 files are in this category, out of 16 total.