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Cerebral pares in Spanish - Swedish-Spanish Dictionary Glosbe

(to fire; used with "de") a. to dismiss from. The word privo is the present form of privar in the first person singular. Learn how to pronounce thousands of words in Spanish for free using SpanishDict's pronunciation videos. Use our phonetic spelling, syllable breakdowns, and native speaker videos to perfect your Spanish pronunciation.

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in our case it is a learning tool. The Sentence Maker allows you to enter a word or phrase in the text box below and retrieve translated sentence pairs (English and Spanish) containing that word/phrase. This tool is great for seeing how words are used in a natural context. Many translated example sentences containing "privo de" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. European Spanish: carente; French: dépourvu; German: bar; Italian: privo; Japanese: 欠いている; Korean: ~이 결여된; European Portuguese: desprovido; Latin American Spanish: carente; Thai: ไร้, ปราศจาก, ไม่มี European Spanish: carente; French: dépourvu; German: bar; Italian: privo; Japanese: 欠いている; Korean: ~이 결여된; European Portuguese: desprovido; Spanish: carente; Thai: ไร้, ปราศจาก, ไม่มี Full verb table transitive verb. 1.

Over 100,000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases. privo di agg aggettivo: Descrive o specifica un sostantivo: "Una persona fidata" - "Con un cacciavite piccolo" - "Questioni controverse" (sprovvisto, sfornito) lacking, devoid, without adj adjective : Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." Quickly translate words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 70 languages.

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gibberish - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum (nonsense) linguaggio incomprensibile, linguaggio privo di senso nm  English Spanish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. vain privón smug privón arrogant privón. examplum; italian english dictionary; privo di contenuto.

Cerebral pares in Spanish - Swedish-Spanish Dictionary Glosbe

(= despojar) privar a algn de algo to deprive sb of sth ⧫ take sth away from sb. privar a algn del conocimiento to render sb unconscious. lo privaron del carnet de conducir they suspended his driving licence ⧫ they took away his driving licence. privy - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Inflections of 'privy' (adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." privier adj comparative priviest adj superlative Inflections of 'privy' (n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.): npl plural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example privo, a agg privo di (senza) without, (carente in) lacking in privo di scrupoli without scruples è privo di scrupoli he's got no scruples privo di coraggio lacking in courage privo di sensi unconscious parole prive di significato meaningless words 2019-07-15 Secondo la sua tesi, tale atto sarebbe privo di validità e contrario alla sentenza del 1988 da lei citata. According to the opinion you have expressed, this act would be null and void and would be at odds with the 1988 decision you mentioned. privo … Look up the Italian to Polish translation of privo in the PONS online dictionary.

privi, fem. pl. prive) without, lacking, -less, un-, -free; Related words & phrases.
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(with ablative) I free, set apart, release, deliver from something, relieve of. Translations How to say privo in Spanish? pri·vo Would you like to know how to translate privo to Spanish? This page provides all possible translations of the word privo in the Spanish language.

See examples of Privo in Spanish.
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deprive verb. How do you say privo in Spanish? Pronunciation of privo found 2 audio voices for privo. Many translated example sentences containing "privo de" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. The Sentence Maker allows you to enter a word or phrase in the text box below and retrieve translated sentence pairs (English and Spanish) containing that word/phrase. This tool is great for seeing how words are used in a natural context. more Many translated example sentences containing "privo" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations.