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Basalt, andesit, diabas. Ryolit/dacit. to those suggested by the zircon classification developed by Belousova et al. Tool for Petrogenetic Modelling: Examples From Eastern Australian Granitoids. SGU består berggrunden i området av granitoid med underordnad syentoid, J. P. 1983, considerations of the geomechanics classification of. av AG Milnes · 2002 · Citerat av 5 — The usual name for massive felsic rock is “granite” or “granitoid”, but many of the rock types under classification of deep groundwaters in Sweden and Finland.

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Same as Figure 11 of main text, using Shand's (1927) diagram. Mineralogical classification of granitoids based on modal abundance.This scheme is based on measurable parameters. It employs modal proportions of quartz, alkali-feldspar and plagioclase. All thin sections were point counted from each granitoid samples and the classification is performed as follows.Thin section Y-02 contains alkali feldspar peraluminous granitoids of crustal origin, «tholei-itic» and alkaline granitoids of mantle origin, and calc-alkaline granitoids of mixed origin with various proportions of crustal and mantle-derived compo-nents. The first part ends with a comparison of the proposed typology with the twenty most used genetic classifications of granitoids.


Maria Åhgren

Biotite and amphibole classification schemes are provided in. Fig. 3a–c. 4.1.

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Heilimo et al., 2010, Martin et al., 2009, Moyen et al., 2003), there is a lack of global perspective about the significance of this particular magmatism: the origin of granitoid diversity and the reason why they all were emplaced over a short timespan across all the cratons remain unclear. In this classification most Cordilleran granitoids are magnesian and calc-alkalic or calcic; both metaluminous and peraluminous types are present. A-type granitoids are ferroan alkali-calcic; although some are ferroan alkalic. Most are metaluminous although some are peraluminous. granites: general classification, mineral composition and textures jun 16, 2018 IRON-NICKEL-COPPER SULPHIDE ORES May 19, 2018 SUBDUCTION ZONES 1: INTRODUCTION May 19, 2018 2 dagar sedan · classification of granite In granite These result in I-type granitoids, derived from igneous protoliths and containing moderate amounts of Al 2 O 3 and high amounts of Na 2 O, and S-type granitoids, derived from sedimentary protoliths and containing high amounts of Al 2 O 3 and relatively low amounts of Na 2 O. Amphibole and pyroxene are more common in I-type granitoids,… The discrimination of granitoids is based on the major-element chemistry. Various discrimination plots are presented which sequentially discriminate the different tectonic environments.

Se hela listan på 2018-08-13 · The balance of the two feldspars is the key to sorting out the granitoids into five named classes: Granitoid with only (90%) alkali feldspar is alkali-feldspar granite Granitoid with mostly (at least 65%) alkali feldspar is syenogranite Granitoid with a rough balance of both feldspars is S-I-A-M Classification • Chappell and White • S-type granites • I-type granites • A-type granitoids • M-type granitoids S-Type Granites • Occur in regional metamorphic terranes • Partial melting of metasediments • High Al but contain no hornblende • Biotite, muscovite, cordierite, & garnet • High Rb in source rocks The 'ideal' granitoid classification should be based on chemical criteria amenable to an objective treatment.
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av V Toropainen · 2008 · Citerat av 4 — In this classification, migmatitic metamorphic gneisses are divided into veined granitoid composition with slight to medium gneissic foliation. 1980 classification) were characterised in the PO-1 borehole.

Tectonomagmatic Classification.
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Geochemical classification of plutonic rocks in central

• One can define a group of granitoids, in terms of geologic setting and chemistry, that are distinct from other granitoids.